On Wednesday, 16 November 2022, The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) organised a debate in partnership with the European Enterprise Alliance (EEA), SME Connect, and Baltic Power on the contribution of offshore wind to the Baltic Sea Member States' energy transformation in the European Parliament. This episode explains the main details of multiple steps to achieve wind power results.
Energy Crisis in the EU – The role of nuclear and renewable energy in reducing prices with Dominika Taranko
As the outcome of the invasion of Ukraine, energy prices have risen all over the world, in this episode of ''EEA Waves: The sound of SMEs'', we will take a closer look at the solutions to make energy reachable in Europe and together with our partners and members, how we undertake strategic legislative initiatives aimed at effective energy transformation.Â
The EU-Ukraine Integration With Nazar Bobitski
In this episode, we discussed with Nazar Bobitski who is the country representative of ZPP – Ukraine and consulted the current economic and social situations of both EU businesses and Ukrainian citizens, towards EU membership. Ukraine holds very strategic importance in the current agenda, however, how will the membership affect the business both in Europe and in Ukraine? We will find out about the solutions in the episode.
The Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy with EESC Rapporteur Marcin Nowacki
Marcin Nowacki discusses the European Commission strategy on offshore wind energy and argues that cooperation between the Member States and the European level will be necessary for successful implementation. He stresses that clear procedures, friendlier legislation, and efficient supply chains are also essential for this initiative.
Mobility Package with Dr. Matthias Bauer (ECIPE)
EEA Secretary General, Glenn Cezanne, welcomes Dr. Matthias Bauer, Senior Economist at the European Centre for International Political Economy to discuss the Mobility Package in light of the recent evaluation by the European Commission on the expected impacts of the vehicle's compulsory return to the Member State and the application of cabotage quotas.
The complexities of an EU minimum wage
In this podcast, Marcin Nowacki discusses the complexities of an EU minimum wage and the challenges that arise from this idea. On 28 October 2020, the European Commission proposed a Directive on adequate minimum wages in the EU. The rationale behind this proposal is the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Key SME Issues at EU Level
EEA Waves' hosts Marcin Nowacki and Glenn Cezanne discuss key SME issues at the EU level. They discuss the "good" and the "bad" in current and upcoming initiatives, touching upon policies such as the European Pillar of Social Rights and the recent SME Strategy, arguing in favour of vigilance when imposing burdens on SMEs.
Quo Vadis upcoming Digital Services Act?
In their first podcast, Marcin Nowacki and Glenn Cezanne look at the Digital Services Act ahead of the planned publication by the European Commission, focusing on pitfalls and opportunities that the DSA could bring. They particularly discuss the country of origin principle, gatekeeper designations and illegal content.Â