The EEA strives to create ideal regulatory and market conditions within which large companies and SMEs function across Europe. We focus on protecting their interests at all levels of governance, most notably in the areas of:
- European Single Market
- Freedom of Services
- Fair Competition
- Better Regulations

Our purpose as the EEA is to support creating ideal regulatory and market conditions for employers, entrepreneurs, businesses and SMEs within the European Union. We consolidate common positions in Members’ interest and communicate them to European stakeholders via declarations, open letters, memoranda, or legislative proposals. We do this by providing input in the consultations and decision-making processes that influence the market and regulatory provisions within which businesses, entrepreneurs, employers and SMEs function. The EEA also organizes its own and joint events to support and promote relevant initiatives.
Our knowledge derives from the collective expertise of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which experience regulatory and market challenges daily. We combine this experience with knowledge of legal affairs and government relations, making the EEA an influential voice for the core of what constitutes business in Europe.
Our fundamental interest is the creation of an equal playing field to allow fair competition across Europe. The two underlying principles to that are the freedom to provide services and the freedom to deliver goods. As is set out in the Services Directive, for example, it aims to facilitate the establishment of service providers both in their home jurisdictions and in other European countries. Unfortunately, red tape continues to exist, creating regulatory uncertainty or delays in processes implementation. The EEA interest is to remove these hindering factors and advise decision-makers on how to facilitate the freedom to provide services and goods with regard to future standards of innovation that SMEs account for.
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