
Check out our most recent position papers, analysis, letters to stakeholders and more. Don’t miss the essential regulatory, economic and legal content.
    Position Paper on Unlocking Growth: Overcoming Barriers to the Single Market for Services in the EU

    Position Paper on Unlocking Growth: Overcoming Barriers to the Single Market for Services in the EU

    European Enterprise Alliance and the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) present our position regarding the limitations on the EU Single Market's for services. The progress of services liberalization within the EU has lagged. Unlike the well-developed Single Market for goods, the services sector remains underdeveloped, resulting in slower economic growth, lower employment rates, and diminished competitiveness. The 2023 Annual Single Market Report highlights that trade...

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    Brief – Committee Changes in the New EP Term

    Brief – Committee Changes in the New EP Term

    The European Parliament has confirmed the list and size of its committees and delegations for the first half of the 10th legislative term. This brief outlines the key changes in committee composition, with a particular focus on the Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) and Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety (ENVI) committees, as well as the newly established Public Health (SANT) sub-committee. Download PDF

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    Position Paper on Measures to facilitate Economic inflows in Ukraine

    Position Paper on Measures to facilitate Economic inflows in Ukraine

    European Enterprise Alliance, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP) and European Business Association present our position regarding the measures that need to be taken to facilitate economic inflows in Ukraine through the Ukraine Facility, an innovative and strategic initiative that plays a critical role in supporting Ukraine’s reform efforts and fostering its path toward potential EU accession. Download PDF

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    Position Paper on Ukraine Facility

    Position Paper on Ukraine Facility

    European Enterprise Alliance, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) and Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP) present our position regarding the Ukraine Facility, an innovative and strategic initiative that plays a critical role in supporting Ukraine's reform efforts and fostering its path toward potential EU accession. Download PDF

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    Position Paper on Commission’s Integration of Ukraine to Connecting Europe Facility for Infrastructure Funding

    Position Paper on Commission’s Integration of Ukraine to Connecting Europe Facility for Infrastructure Funding

    European Enterprise Alliance presents its position on the integration of Ukraine into the EU Single Market through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for infrastructure funding. The recent agreement marks a significant step towards enhancing Ukraine's connectivity with its EU neighbors, enabling access to funding for projects in transport, energy, and digital domains. Emphasizing technological neutrality and promoting sustainability, this collaboration fosters growth, job opportunities, and...

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    Position Paper on the key aspects of the reform of EU’s electricity market design

    Position Paper on the key aspects of the reform of EU’s electricity market design

    The EU's ongoing reform of the Energy Market Design is a direct response to challenges experienced in the energy market in 2022. The European Commission has proposed a revision of electricity market rules with the goal of bolstering market resilience, reducing dependency on short-term prices, and promoting long-term contracts like power purchase agreements. The proposal is currently undergoing deliberation by the Council and the European Parliament. As European Enterprise Alliance, in...

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    Discover how the European Commission’s recent approval of a €158 million Polish measure is propelling the production of renewable hydrogen and fostering a sustainable energy future

    Discover how the European Commission’s recent approval of a €158 million Polish measure is propelling the production of renewable hydrogen and fostering a sustainable energy future

    We invite you to discover the latest development in Poland's renewable energy landscape with the European Commission's approval of a €158 million measure supporting LOTOS Green H2. This significant investment aims to advance the production of renewable hydrogen, aligning with the EU Hydrogen Strategy and the European Green Deal. By reducing dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fostering a greener economy, this initiative sets a remarkable example. Please find European Enterprise Alliance's...

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    “Network fees” proposed by telecommunications operators – will consumers pay twice for infrastructure maintenance?

    “Network fees” proposed by telecommunications operators – will consumers pay twice for infrastructure maintenance?

    In Europe, a crucial debate is unfolding, which carries profound implications for the future of the Internet. The European Commission is actively considering new regulations pertaining to interconnections between networks on the Internet. These proposals, which can only be described as alarming, have the potential to both hinder Internet speed for consumers and jeopardize the overall stability of the Internet. In light of this, the European Enterprise Alliance has taken a stand and presented...

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    “Network fees” proposed by telecommunications operators – will consumers pay twice for infrastructure maintenance?

    “Network fees” proposed by telecommunications operators – will consumers pay twice for infrastructure maintenance?

    A significant discussion is taking place in Europe with potential ramifications for the Internet's future. The European Commission is deliberating over fresh regulations governing network interconnections on the Internet. It is contemplating proposals that, without exaggeration, could impede Internet speed for users and pose risks to its overall stability. As European Enterprise Alliance we present our stance with a focusing one of the affected countries Lithuania.

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    “Network fees” proposed by telecommunications operators – will consumers pay twice for infrastructure maintenance?

    “Network fees” proposed by telecommunications operators – will consumers pay twice for infrastructure maintenance?

    After the European Commission revealed its "Connectivity Package" on February 23, 2023, which involved a preliminary consultation on the "Future of the electronic communications sector and its infrastructure," as the European Enterprise Alliance, we want to express our apprehension regarding the proposal to implement a mechanism that would require substantial direct payments ("network contribution," "network fee," "fair share") from content providers and technology companies to major European...

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    The EU aims to achieve this by 2050, through a framework of financing rules that guide investors in sustainable investment activities. Starting from January 1, 2023, the EU's assigned funds were expanded to include nuclear power and natural gas. As the European Enterprise Alliance (EEA) and on behalf of our members, we welcome the European Commission’s proposal to promote the transition to nuclear power.

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    The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the revision of the EU's electricity market design, with the goal of making it easier to use more renewable energy sources, encouraging competition, and guaranteeing long-term availability of energy while protecting consumers from price volatility. The position of the European Enterprise Alliance on the consultation is presented below.

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    On February 16th, 2023 A joint letter on political advertising regulations was addressed to the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Swedish Presidency and signed by 10 organizations. The letter outlines the mission of enhancing political campaign transparency and electoral integrity.

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    Position Paper on  Commission’s Recommendation on Speeding up Permit-granting Procedures for Renewable Energy Projects and Facilitating Power Purchase Agreements

    Position Paper on Commission’s Recommendation on Speeding up Permit-granting Procedures for Renewable Energy Projects and Facilitating Power Purchase Agreements

    The European Commission published a recommendation on accelerating permit-granting procedures for renewable energy projects and a proposal for a focused amendment of the Renewable Energy Directive in order to streamline permitting processes for renewable energy projects, make power purchase agreements easier, and empower citizens by May 18, 2022. In order to address the rising cost of energy and reduce the EU's reliance on Russian fossil fuels, the Commission had already proposed a number of...

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    Q&A: Polish Deputy PM Jacek Sasin on energy sovereignty

    Q&A: Polish Deputy PM Jacek Sasin on energy sovereignty

    Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and Minister for State Assets Jacek Sasin talks with ZPP, Poland’s Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers. The article first appeared as Sponsor Content on Politico Europe website: Download PDF

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    Small nuclear reactors – a new chapter in nuclear power

    Small nuclear reactors – a new chapter in nuclear power

    Russia's aggression against Ukraine and the ongoing war have caused a Europe-wide energy crisis, the consequences of which we are all facing today. A lively discussion is underway, both at the EU level and in all Member States, among politicians and experts who are jointly trying to work out solutions that will best protect us from a gas shortage both during the coming winter and over the next several months. Download PDF

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    Position of the European industry organisations on the forthcoming Connectivity Infrastructure Act

    Position of the European industry organisations on the forthcoming Connectivity Infrastructure Act

    As a member of a broad coalition of 17 organizations from across Europe, we deeply worry about ETNO’s proposal to introduce a network fee for digital services. We believe that such a regulation would negatively affect the consumers, hurt innovative European businesses, lead to an inefficient allocation of resources, and, most importantly, undermine access to the free and open internet. Download PDF

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    Position Paper on Energy Price Increases

    Position Paper on Energy Price Increases

    Media outlets, research bodies and national organisations have been observing the vast in-creases in gas and energy prices (and in coal, crude oil, and CO2 emission allowances) that have occurred across Europe and most of the world at an enormous pace since the Autumn of 2020. For example, in Poland the average price of hedging and annual contract in 2020 was PLN 69.90/MWh, while currently, this same contract costs approximately PLN 500/MWh. In electricity, the average price of hedging an...

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