On Tuesday, 8 November 2022, SME Connect in partnership with the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers (ZPP) and European Enterprise Alliance (EEA) held a discussion on Ukraine’s Accession to the EU Single Market Program: Looking into SME Landscape and the Needs of Entrepreneurs in Ukraine. The debate took place virtually, was hosted by Ivan Stefanec MEP and Co-hosted by Lukas Mandl MEP was joined by Marcin Nowacki, President of the European Enterprise Alliance (EEA) ; EESC Rapporteur to the opinion on the EU-Ukraine solidarity lanes; Valerii Prokopets, Deputy Director – Head of Division, Department of Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship, The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine; Anna Derevyanko, Executive Director of the European Business Association (EBA); Kateryna Glazkova, Executive Director Center of the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs (SUP); Olena Ayrault, Unlimit Ukraine programme coordinator with the European Business Association (EBA); Nazar Bobitski, Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers Kyiv Office; Nina Levchuk, Co-founder of Impact Force and United for Ukraine; moderated by DR. Horst Heitz, Chair of the Steering Committee of SME Connect.